Adaptation Futures provides a unique chance to share expertise, skills and backgrounds and exchange experiences with an active adaptation network. To facilitate the attendance of participants who would normally have difficulty attending, AF2023 is pleased to offer a number of capacity support in an inclusive approach.
Early-career-professionals, Indigenous persons, members of minority groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Recipients of the AF2023 Travel and Connectivty Grants will be a part of the AF2023 Fellow program where the Fellows will receive tailored support to enhance their AF2023 experience as well as specific information on relevant activities to strengthen the impacts of their conference participation (ex. Masterclasses, peer-learning, mentorship, fieldtrips, professional networking events).
In seeing the Fellows as the future leaders of the Adaptation Futures community, we will invite the Fellows to share their experiences and help inform the capacity support offerings and community-building initiatives for the upcoming Adaptation Futures conferences.

Travel Grants for Indigenous People of Canada
Deadline to apply: August 18, 2023.
Members of Canada’s Indigenous and northern communities who require financial support to attend the Adaptation Futures 2023 conference can apply for a travel bursary by sending an email at the attention of Anita Murdock at
Please provide a short description on why you would like to attend and what benefits participating to the conference will bring to you and your community by August 18, 2023.
Selected participants will be contacted by August 25, 2023.

Connectivity Awards
Deadline to apply: August 31, 2023
To reduce connectivity barriers in an inclusive approach and promote carbon-conscious conferences, Adaptation Futures 2023 (AF2023) is pleased to offer a number of scholarships, valued at $125 CAD each, for free virtual participation in the event.
Everyone’s experience with virtual communication is directly related to the connectivity and digital infrastructure of their location.
AF2023 offers a unique opportunity for participants with connection issues to attend the event and benefit from the sharing of expertise, skills and experiences by integrating a strong network in climate change adaptation.
Apply for the Connectivity AwardsAdmissibility Criteria:
- – Commit to be an active participant at AF2023
- – Complete the questionnaire before the deadline (June 30, 2023)
- – Provide a statement of motivation explaining:
- 1. The relevance of your work to the conference goals and themes
- 2. How much time and levels of engagement do you see yourself participating in AF2023 virtually
- 3. The foreseeable connectivity and/or technical challenges for participating in AF2023 virtually and how a Connectivity Grant will bring positive impacts to your professional development and the field of adaptation research, policy and practice
Other Selection Considerations:
- Given the competitive nature of the AF2023 Connectivity Awards, the reviewers will consider the following aspects to ensure AF2023 is inclusive and equitable:
- – From a Low, Lower Middle or Upper-middle Income Country (World Bank Country Classification)
- – Qualify as an early-career-professional (experience of full-time employment or doctoral degree granted within less than 5 years)
- – Identify as an Indigenous person
- – Self-identify as a member of a minority or underrepresented groups